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Creative Worlds
of Nenad Dodic
We are happy to publish first of, hopefully many more to come, Balkan Beat's - featured artist interviews, were we present unique members of Balkan Labs. READ MORE >
Balkan Labs
is a GO!
After some exciting months of preparations, we are officially open for business! READ MORE >

And the award goes to…

TBWARAAD Dubai, approached us to create 3 visuals for the Nissan - SELF HEALING PAINT campaign. The task was to create, one of those...

Levko – the mop with a twist.

Moping floor boring as it gets, and yet there is something truly rewarding when you see your squeaky clean floors shine for that...

Balkan Labs is a GO!

After some exciting months of preparations, we are officially open for business! About us Balkan Labs is an art & tech collective...

Creative Worlds of Nenad Dodic

We are happy to publish first of, hopefully many more to come, Balkan Beat's - featured artist interviews, were we present unique...

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Creative worlds of Nenad Dodic

We are happy to publish first of, hopefully many more to come, Balkan Beat's - Featured artist interviews , were we present unique members of Balkan Labs. It gives us great pleasure to introduce you to Nenad Dodic, a young designer from Serbia, all around creative soul, currently working @ Mccann Erickson, Belgrade office as Art Director. We imagine Nenad sitting at his home and answering our questions with a deep meaningful gaze into the distance…

Let’s start with something simple...Browsing through your portfolio we see a diversity of styles, mediums and techniques. How would you best describe yourself as creative, if there is a such a thing?

II am the kind of creative who loves various fields of art and who loves to experiment, and hence work in different techniques. Many people like to cling to one style, which is probably smarter, but I like to throw myself into the unknown and explore from scratch. It’s fun. I'm not afraid to make some stupid work. Even as a child, I loved action figures, Masters of the Universe, different superheroes ... Whenever I drew some characters I imagined how they would look in real space. A few years ago I bought some clay for the first time and began to make the characters in this medium, and to me it felt totally natural. Eventually, I became a little better and came up with ...


Balkans in

We are very proud to show you a great new game development coming fromINDUSTRY Entertainment creative kitchen.

INDUSTRY Entertainmentis a software label for publishing games, and development tools for mobile, handheld and wireless markets. It is the brainchild of Nemanja Bondzulic also known in geeky circles as Cyborg, and he is the main guy for everything…